This video series provides you with six chapters, each focusing on a different element of sustainable investing. These educational videos combine to provide you with one hour of Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
Sustainable investing
Learning objectives include: an introduction to Sustainable Investing, understanding ‘ESG’ and our sustainable investment process.
Sustainability at LGT
Learning objectives include: LGT’s sustainability strategy, the role of the financial sector in achieving the UN SDGs and LGT’s contribution to net-zero.
The sustainable investment process
Learning objectives include: a closer look at the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, our sustainable investment framework and how we use our sustainable investment pillars.
The sustainable fund selection process
Learning objectives include: how to assess funds through a sustainable lens, the integration of ESG and impact analysis, and how we qualitatively and quantitatively assess this, and how we conduct ongoing sustainable analysis of underlying holdings.
The importance of the ESG client conversation
Learning objectives include: the regulatory background surrounding sustainable investing, drivers behind the changes in regulation, and the opportunities presented by the green recovery.
Case studies – bringing the sustainable portfolios to life
Learning objectives include: themes included in the climate and environmental sustainable investment pillar, the investment opportunities these themes present and examples of companies held within the sustainable portfolios.